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Special Needs Programming

Special Needs Programs

Adaptive Painting Classes
Until we rebuild the studio, we will bring our programming to you!

One of the barriers to arts learning for people with disabilities and older adults is the fact that many have a fear of being in a new social situation. Our adapted classes help students overcome that fear. Often it takes a simple coloring exercise and kind words from staff to get them involved in painting. Over the past years, Simply ArtAble has developed a painting style that works within everyone’s level and comfort. Our simple approach welcomes all budding artists and encourages them to make art in their own way. Our teachers are experienced in meeting each student their level and adapting the program to the needs of your group. All ages and abilities are welcome!

Individuals with disabilities:

We will come to your home for groups up to 5
$50 plus canvas cost, (canvas options)

Day Programs:
Groups of 10 or more $15 per person
We supply folders with coloring sheets and canvas boards to paint, table covers and aprons
We encourage staff to join in the paint party at no added costs!

Our History of Working with Persons with Disabilities:

I have been passionate about teaching and sharing the healing aspects of creating art together…and for ones self…most of my life. Becoming a functioning artist saved me. I needed an outlet to express and to share my feelings, and as time passed teaching gave me purpose and self worth. Simply ArtAble has been the path for me to connect with the special needs and general community as a whole.

I was painfully shy and highly sensitive as a child. Some of that has carried over into my adult life. I felt emotionally beaten down and was teased relentlessly. Perhaps this is what motivated me at 13 years old to start volunteering at the Dakota County Children’s Home that housed children with disabilities. It was there I felt like I fit in and realized that I had a heart to share art therapy with others so they too could experience its healing properties. My past experiences definitely inspired me to create Simply ArtAble, where all ages, genders and abilities are welcome in an ADA compliant space. We adapt to each and every artist on their own level. We extend our outreach to provide monthly painting sessions with expectant mothers in the hospital who are on bedrest awaiting their babies, residents at several Senior Living facilities, as well as residents in treatment centers, day programs and group homes. 

When I look back at my life, the path that I have taken seems pretty straight forward, but honestly, I just blindly took one step after the other, faithfully following the spirit that moved me. I am so very grateful for every single experience that has brought me to this place and am humbled by all of the beauty and love that is created in this space.

It’s about peace & love!

~ Jane Elias, Founder & Creative Director


Contact Info:

[email protected]
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